Changes to Cumulative Stats Structure
Last Updated: Sept. 3, 2011
The team statistician has announced changes to how cumulative statistics are tallied. The changes being made, along with reasons why those changes were made, are discussed in detail below.
Scrimmage and Exhibition Game Stats:
The first change involves stats collected from "scrimmage" and "exhibition" games. In the past, the statistics from these games did NOT count towards a player's cumulative seasonal stats. The idea is that games whose outcome did not matter should not have their stats added to the official seasonal statistics.
In seasons when the Verdasys team was able round-up the proper number of players for each game, the ruling seems appropriate. But over the past two seasons, both the Verdasys team and a few other teams in the league have struggled to come up with a proper roster for each game. In fact, over the past two seasons more than a third of Verdasys' scheduled match-ups have resulted in an unofficial "scrimmage" game being played. Neglecting statistics from this many games makes the seasonal totals seem uninteresting.
After much consideration, the statistician has decided to count stats from scrimmage games in the seasonal totals. The deciding factors for this declaration are twofold:
- The difference between the “scrimmage” games and some “official” games is the fact that the team with the improper roster was allowed to play in a contest where the outcome counted.
- Players who participated in "scrimmage" games approached the game with about the same level of competitiveness as a normal game. Players who did tone things down usually did so if the game's outcome was decidedly in favor of one team.
Stats from scrimmage games that involve teams who were not part of the originally scheduled contest will NOT count. These contests will be marked as "exhibition games". An example of such a game was the exhibition game in 2009, in which Verdasys played against a team in an adjacent field after both teams’ original opponents were no-shows.
No more "double credit":
In the past, if a player attended a game that was ultimately forfeited, the player would be credited with a "Game Attended" or "GA." ("GA" and "G" are interchangable.) If the player then played in the following scrimmage game, the player would be credited with a second "Game Attended". The reason a second credit was awarded was to encourage players to stick around and play after a game was forfeited.
Given the number of "scrimmage" games played over the past two seasons, awarding extra credit to play in a scrimmage game has depreciated the value of the "GA" stat. For example: if a player came to the last two games of the 2011 season, that player would be awarded with 4 "Games Attended". That is equal to a player that came to four other games that season.
After some serious reconsideration, the statistician has decided that a player who comes to a game that is forfeited and then plays in the following scrimmage or exhibition game will only be awarded credit for one GA. The driving reasons for this change are:
- The "GA" stat should reflect the number of times the player hauled their rear to the field to play in a game. "Double credit" should only occur if there was a double header.
- Rarely has a person come to a game that was ultimately forfeited, only to depart before the start of the scrimmage game. (In fact, it only happened once.)
Note: players who come to the field for a game that is ultimately postponed will receive credit for attendance. It's not their fault that the game was not postponed until game time.
To restate the new changes:
- If a scheduled game is forfeited, and a scrimmage game between the two originally scheduled teams is played, the stats from the scrimmage game will count towards the seasonal cumulative stats. Otherwise, the contest is an "exhibition game," and its stats will not count.
- Players attending either a game that is forfeited, or the scrimmage game that follows a forfeited game, or both, will receive credit for attending only one game.
NOTE: the changes will impact the cumulative stats for 2010 and 2011 seasons. The 2008 and 2009 seasons are immune to these changes because no “scrimmage” games were played.